17 SEP - 3 OCT 2022
2-week experience from Moscow to Mongolia with a highlight trip to Lake Baikal!
14 days
6 nights in train
8 nights at hotels
6 cities
6200 km
17 sep - 03 OCT 2022
St Petersburg
Ekaterinburg Krasnoyarsk
Content creation workshop
Participants will learn through a hands on approach, the necessary skills to create a professional quality level video. A small experienced group will guide students through the necessary steps of cinematic creation - from concept to research, shooting and editing. Throughout the trip there will be several workshops, such as: Photography, video shooting and editing, sound recording and editing and creating cinematic images with drones.

Train travel hours will be filled with workshops and lectures/lessons that will pass important information in an engaging way. From the basics of photography to structuring a project, writing the narrative - there will also be time dedicated to brainstorming, discussing ideas and putting them into practice.

Location visits, of cities and places, will be filled with visiting but also researching and filming. The beautiful scenery is inspiring to anyone what ambitions to do creative work. While visiting institutions and interesting personalities we will have the opportunity to conduct interviews, learning about history and art directly for the source.

Students will learn
- The Principles of Storytelling
- Script Writing
- Photography
- Cinematography
- Drone Cinematography
- Sound Capture and Sound Design
- Conducting interviews
- Video and sound editing

We will be equipped with all necessary tools necessary for filming, documenting, surveying, measuring and visualizing the various scenes of the expedition and will ensure all participants take an active part in the diverse stages of video creation.

Participants can expect to have an overview of video creation and to have a finished project by the end of the journey. Throughout the trip we ensure participants will switch roles to take part in all different roles in a filming crew (for example: director, camera operator, sound recordist, producer, etc).
INCLUDED in price
All train tickets with Kupe seats
4 beds / compartment
Food on all trains
Accommodation in all stopover cities
Hostels, 4 ppl/room
Breakfasts every day in stopover cities
SUPPORT OF the team
Team lead travels with the group
Local coordinators meets you in the cities
Worshop program
The goal of the journey is to train participants in the art of storytelling through video so that, by the end of the trip, they can create a short movie based on their experience.
50 gb Russian simcard
Be connected
And visa info

Baikal lake Boat trip
City excursions, hikes and fun in stopover cities
Train upgrage (2 people per compartment)
Tour in Mongolia (Terej national park, 2 days tour)
Train Mongolia-China
Hotel upgrade Twin room
Hotel upgrade Single room
Join the trip
13 SEP - 27 SEP 2022
By pressing subscribe button I consent to having PE ISAEVA OLGA YUREVNA, organiser of Nomad Train, store my email so I can receive the guide and information about Nomad Train. Check out the privacy policy for more information.
Covid-19 info
Russia is slowly opening up for the tourists. For now we are launching several group tours for 2022 and hope that we make them happen! There is also a flexible option to experience Nomad Train is to go on Anytime trip that is a privately organised tour.
Can I enter Russia?
Tourists from more than 70 countries may come to Russia. You can check the information here — or contacting the Russian Embassy of your country. Usually, they quickly answer by email.
How do I get a VISA?
No worries, since 2017 we have had people from all around the world and all of them got Russian visas. None of our passengers has ever been rejected in getting a visa. There are 2 options — you can do it with the help of a local agency or apply on your own at a Russian Consulate in your country. If you apply your own you will need an invitation letter that we provide.

Please check the information about visas on the Russian Consulate website of the county of the passport issue.
Is the internet provided?
We provide a SIM card with 50gb data. Although the Internet in Russia is fast and reliable in general, we can't guarantee that the connection will be uninterrupted during all the trip as we're crossing mountains and forests.
Another question?
You can contact us by email or by WhatsApp +79046300316.